Frequently Asked Questions about the
Desert Tortoise Adoption Program

I found a tortoise, can I keep it? Can I release it into the wild? Where should I release it?
It is illegal to collect tortoises from the wild. 如果被处理,野生乌龟经常会在你身上发出嘶嘶声和小便. 陆龟自然生长在山麓较低的斜坡上,在岩石较多的地区. 如果你确定你发现的动物是野生的,在24小时内. 把它放回一个安全的地方,靠近你找到它的地方. 如果它已被删除较长一段时间,您必须联系本地游戏 & Fish office (628-5376). However, if you find a captive tortoise, 通常发生在图森(包括人口稠密地区), it is best to try to find the tortoise's owner. If this fails, 请致电844 896-5730与AZGFD沙漠龟收养计划联系,看看是否有人报告丢失了一只乌龟.
My tortoise is lonely, can I get another one?
Desert tortoises are solitary in the wild. 根据AZGFD委员会第43条规定,每人允许携带一只沙漠龟. 因此,虽然有些家庭可以收养不止一只, tortoises must have separate enclosures, 因为他们会对彼此有攻击性. 因为在亚利桑那州饲养沙漠龟是非法的, we will not adopt out males and females together.
我的乌龟喜欢吃水果,尤其是香蕉、瓜和葡萄. 他也喜欢莴苣,他会吃推荐一个买球网站的狗粮. Is this okay?
No. 这些食物不能提供乌龟所需的适当营养. 它应该主要吃本地植物和草(如果你没有草,一卷草皮是可以的),而且只是偶尔吃, produce such as kale and mustard greens. 不要喂生菜,因为它没有营养价值. 避免进食水果(除了当季的仙人掌). 永远不要喂你的乌龟肉制品,或狗和猫的食物.
When can I breed my tortoise? When are they sexually mature?
当龟的甲壳(上壳)长到6英寸时,龟就性成熟了. 根据AZGFD规则(R12-4-407),饲养沙漠龟是非法的. 因为非法繁殖,总是有需要家的幼雏, 更多的繁殖导致更多的乌龟需要家园. 因此,TAP不会同时领养雄性和雌性龟.
不管龟龄多大,最好把它们放在室外. Please see hatchling information for food items. If a tortoise is kept inside, 提供紫外线的人工照明, is necessary to keep it healthy.
Dog bites can be fatal to tortoises. 一只倾向于攻击动物的狗不会是一个好的乌龟伴侣. 猫和鸟可以伤害/杀死大约三岁的陆龟. Rodents may chew on tortoise shells or limbs. 孩子们捡起乌龟可能会把它们掉在地上,弄裂乌龟的龟壳. 乌龟不应该由儿童来处理,只有定期由成年人来处理.
看看这些数码照片,它们应该能回答你的问题. If not, look at the plastron of the animal. 如果它在前三分之一和其余部分之间有一个“铰链”, which allows it to close up against the carapace, then it is probably a box turtle. 如果它没有这个铰链,它可能是一只乌龟. 请记住,有许多外来的海龟和陆龟,人们购买和饲养, 以及其他几种可能在亚利桑那州发现的野生海龟(包括一些引进的外来物种)。.
How do you tell boy tortoises from girl tortoises?
雄龟在尾巴附近的底板(下壳)上有一个凹痕. Females have a flat plastron.
I just noticed that my tortoise is blowing bubbles from his nose. Is this okay?
Probably not. 流鼻涕和/或眼皮肿是呼吸道感染的症状. The only time bubbles may occur that are okay, 如果动物刚喝了水,鼻孔里和周围有水呢, which may form bubbles upon exhaling. Otherwise, contact a veterinarian.
My tortoise is still asleep and it's June! Is it dead?
Depending upon the weather, 有些陆龟可能会直接从冬眠进入冬眠(在炎热的季节冬眠), dry months) without emerging in between. If you are concerned about your tortoise, 轻轻地将动物从洞穴中移出,寻找疾病或脱水的迹象(见护理和饲养小册子)。. If the animal is okay, return it to its burrow.
我养过两只乌龟,从它们刚孵化的时候起. 现在他们长大了,开始互相争斗. What can I do?
它们可能已经性成熟,而且都是雄性. 即使没有雌性在场,雄性也会互相争斗. It helps to separate them in your yard. Sometimes a brief separation is adequate, 其他时候,您需要永久地为它们提供完全独立的空间. If this is not possible, and they continue to fight, it is better to give one of them up for adoption. 如果你不知道谁能提供一个好的家, call the Desert Museum Tortoise Adoption Program.
我为我的乌龟建了一个很大的冬眠窝,但它在我院子里的其他地方挖了一个洞. Should I leave him there for the winter?
No. Move him to the den after he goes to sleep. It will provide more protection.
我有两只雌龟,它们开始打架了. I thought females were supposed to get along.
尤其是在秋天,就在冬眠之前,雌性有时会打架. 这通常是一个短期的问题,它们会在冬眠前平静下来.
我的乌龟排泄了一些白色或灰色的物质. I have never seen this before, is he sick?
陆龟偶尔会去除灰色到白色的白垩物质. This is normal, unless it occurs continuously. 如果是这样,你应该联系熟悉乌龟的兽医.
我的乌龟从冬眠中苏醒了几天,然后又回去睡觉了. Is this normal?
是的,有时在春天,乌龟不会同时醒来. 如果乌龟没有很快变得活跃,而天气仍然温暖, 你可能想要检查他/她,以确保他/她是健康的.
How long do Desert tortoises live?
Desert tortoises may live up to 80 years or more.
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